
Follow the links on the left to download the NNUTS manual and accompanying resources. Below is a brief summary of the available resources:

NNUTS manual: This manual outlines the NNUTS framework, with discussion of associated theories and rationale.

SWOT analysis: The SWOT analysis is useful to help you decide whether NNUTS is appropriate for your SLT service. The senior speech and language therapy manager should complete this SWOT analysis in discussion with team members who would be responsible for implementing NNUTs.

NNUTS Audit tool, form, prompts and worked example: The Educational Setting Audit Tool for Partnership Working with Speech and Language Therapists. This is a self-assessment audit tool to support educational settings to work in partnership with SLTs to deliver the most effective interventions to children with SLCN. The audit should be completed by the speech and language therapist with one or more members of the educational setting's senior leadership team. The audit enables you to evaluate the current capability, opportunity and motivation of the educational setting. Worked examples are provided for reference.

NNUTS SLT Action Plan and worked examples: This action plan is for completion after the NNUTS Audit Tool to help the SLT identify areas that will require SLT action.

Communication Supporting Classroom Observation Tool (CSCOT): This tool is designed to profile the oral language environment of the classroom. It was developed as part of the Better Communication Research Programme (BCRP) in 2012. The tool can be used in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 classrooms. 

LIVELY Best Practice in Schools information: This is a booklet of best practice that focuses on universal and targeted interventions. It was co-produced with the North East Early Years Teachers, SENCOs, Teaching Assistants and Speech and Language Therapists as part of the Language Intervention in the Early Years (LIVELY) Project.