Theories and background
The NNUTS framework applies social capital theory and behaviour change theories and models to the implementation of evidence based interventions for children with speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) in educational settings. A brief overview of these theories is set out below but to find out more it is recommended that you make use of the Further Reading.
Social Capital Theory
- Is a theoretical framework for the social connections we make in work, at home and in society.
- Has three key components: Networks, Norms and Trust. These enable individuals to work together more effectively to achieve shared goals.
- You can read more about how social capital applies to NNUTS in the NNUTS manual.
Behaviour Change Theory
Training and knowledge transfer and exchange are routine practice in partnership working. But training delivered to educational settings often has short term impact and limited sustainability. This is because staff leave or move around within organisations, resources are unavailable or time is reallocated to other tasks. As a result, time spent training can be wasted.
Behaviour change theories are widely used in public health to develop and evaluate interventions. The Behaviour Change Wheel (see Further Reading) was used in development of the NNUTS framework. More detail about behaviour change theory and its link with the NNUTS framework is explored in the NNUTS manual.