The academic partners involved in the nifty project will bring their expertise in digital and image forensics, fuzzy database search, as well as computer security and usability to the consortium. Two associate partners from the US (Polytechnic Institute of NYU and Digital Assembly) will provide additional strength in digital forensics, especially in piecing back together data that have been intentionally fragmented. Combined with the involvement of relevant law enforcement agencies (including the High Tech Crime Unit of Northumbria Police, UK) and the North East Fraud Forum (UK), the consortium is suitably placed to address the project's objectives.
Newcastle University (UK) – Coordinator |
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Newcastle University is one of the leading research universities in the UK. The School of Computing Science has a long track record of interdisciplinary research and internationally leading researchers in the areas of Distributed Systems, Dependability, Security, and HCI. The School has a strong cyber security research group, and has further developed to become one of the leading UK universities in security, privacy and trust through establishing the Centre for Cybercrime and Computer Security in 2010. Newcastle University is one of the UK's Academic Centres of Excellence in Cyber Security Research recognised by the GCHQ. |
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The Centre for Cybercrime and Computer Security (CCCS – was set up to unite the long-standing computer security research work at the School of Computing Science and its growing collaboration with organisations involved in the daily fight against cybercrime, including the police, probation services and industry. CCCS carries out research and provides education to make the Internet safer for families, businesses and other stakeholders. The CCCS team brings together police officers and research scientists to identify future modes of cybercrime and to design innovative, sustainable solutions. |
University of Vigo (Spain) |
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The University of Vigo The University of Vigo is a young and modern institution, created in 1990 by separation from the University of Santiago de Compostela. It is a public institution, committed to the principles of equity, solidarity, democracy and freedom. The University of Vigo offers a great variety of degrees and diplomas to more than 20,000 students in the academic year 2010-11. The emphasis is primarily on science, technology, social science and law. More than 50 PhD programs are offered by the institution. The University of Vigo comprises four campuses: Vigo-Torrecedeira, Vigo-As Lagoas Marcosende, Pontevedra campus (approx. 25 km from Vigo) and Ourense campus (100 km from Vigo). The University of Vigo is particularly strong in Telecommunication Engineering, Marine Science, Biology, Business Administration and Law. In terms of research, the University consistently ranks among the top 15 in Spain out of a total of 77, and has been recently awarded one of the few “international excellence campuses” by the Spanish Government. |
University of Bristol (UK) |
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The University of Bristol is one of the most prestigious universities in the UK. It is a thriving international community combining excellence in research and innovation with a vibrant entrepreneurial culture. Research is at the heart of the University's mission and accounts for its international reputation. The University organises its academic affairs in some 60 departments and 15 research centres arranged in six faculties: Engineering, Science, Medicine and Dentistry, Medical and Veterinary Sciences, Social Sciences and Law, and Arts. In the 2008 UK Research Assessment Exercise (RAE), nearly 93% of research at the University was deemed to be of an international standard. Over 60% of the research assessed was awarded either the top 4* rating, defined as 'world leading', or the 3* rating, defined as 'internationally excellent'. As a result, in 2009-10 the University was allocated the 8th highest share of government research funding in the UK. |
North East Fraud Forum (UK) |
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The North East Fraud Forum is a not for profit organisation specialising in raising fraud awareness and successful fraud and cyber crime prevention strategies across both public and private sectors. This is achieved by creating a culture of transparency with better flows of information and open discussion aimed at promoting more widespread understanding and better sharing of ideas among participants. NEFF was launched in March 2003 and has held 8 conferences, 20 master classes and three six day training courses, and several training programmes designed to meet individual organisations specific requirements since then. Over 2500 delegates attended these events and the membership now stands at over 200 organisations, ranging from police, law firms, financial institutions, universities and colleges, security companies, as well as local businesses and local government agencies. Through NEFF, the NIFTy project will establish contacts with other law enforcement agencies in the UK. Moreover, NEFF’s experience and expertise in facilitating master classes and training programmes will enhance NIFTy’s reach and impact to society. NEFF’s link with Newcastle University is established through Phil Butler, who is the Vice Chair of the North East Fraud Forum Management Board. |
Northumbria Police (UK) |
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Northumbria Police serves a population of 1.5 million people and covers an area of more than 2,000 square miles in the North East of England, from the Scottish border down to County Durham and from the Pennines across to the North East coast. Northumbria is one of the largest forces in the country and is recognised as one of the top performing in the UK. Under the leadership of Chief Constable, Sue Sim, Northumbria Police is committed to a philosophy of 'Total Policing', dedicated to reducing crime and disorder and building trust and confidence in its communities. The force has around 3,855 police officers, 1,489 police staff, 297 Special Constables and 418 Community Support Officers (CSOs), who work together to prevent, detect and reduce crime in the Northumbria area. |
Novel Image/photo Forensic Tools for fighting against child pornography
Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne
NE1 7RU, United Kingdom.