The corpus

speech tags
Guidelines 11
deals with transcriptions of speech, and begins with the disclaimer
that ‘the present proposals are not intended to support unmodified
every variety of research undertaken upon spoken material now or in
the future; some discourse analysts, some phonologists, and
doubtless others may wish to extend the scheme presented here to
express more precisely the set of distinctions they wish to draw in
their transcriptions’. NECTE uses a small selection of tags from
those provided by TEI:
<u>, the TEI
‘utterance’ tag. <u> is ‘a stretch of speech usually preceded or
followed by silence or by a change of speaker’ (Guidelines 11.2).
It is used in exactly this way to mark speaker utterances in all
the NECTE representational types; the 'id' attribute in each case
identifies the speaker in question, ie, <u id='informantTlsg01'>.
Uniqueness of speaker 'id's is guaranteed by suffixing to
'interviewer' or 'informant', as appropriate, the entity name for
the interview in question from the list defined by <!ENTITY % interviews SYSTEM
'interviews.ent'> %interviews; in the DOCTYPE declaration;
where there is more than one informant, which is invariably the
case in the PVC-derived interviews and occasionally in the
TLS-derived ones, a final 'a', 'b', 'c'... is appended, ie, <u
id='informantTlsg01a'>, <u id='informantTlsg01b'>, and
so on.
(Guidelines 11.2.3) marks ‘any vocalized but not necessarily
lexical phonemenon, for example voiced pauses, non-lexical
back-channels, etc’. NECTE uses this tag not only for voiced
pauses but also for other phenomena such as laughter.
(Guidelines 11.2) marks ‘any phenomenon or occurrence, not
necessarily vocalized or communicative, for example incidental
noises or other events affecting communication’. The main NECTE
use of this tag is to note interruptions of one speaker by