


The corpus







Documentation: spellings of dialectal words
a body somebody
ally marble
ally oukin, - ookin truce word in children's games
aye yes
baff the alternate week/Saturday when the father didn't receive any pay
bairn child
bays children's game (hop-scotch?)
blazer see "bleezer"
bleezer metal sheet or hood put in front of fire to direct the draught
boody broken china or coloured glass used by children as play things or toy money; china of any kind, e.g. boody teapot, boody dish; a petty sum of money 
bray hit
chasey tig, a street chasing game
claggy sticky
clamming to be hungry
clart, clarts dirt, mud, soft ground
clarty dirty, muddy
clout cloth, rag
coin turn (a corner)
cree hut, pigeon loft, hen-house
cushty "cool", excellent, great
cushy easy, easy going
daresn't dare not
dabbers children's game (probably hop-scotch)
diablo children's game, involving three sticks, a string and a bobbin
div, divn't do, don't
divvie Co-op dividend account
dunch bump into, crash into
dursn't dare not
fettle how one feels (e.g. "fine fettle"); to fix or mend something, or get something done; to teach someone a lesson, best someone
frisk good fun, good laugh, excellent experience
gadgie man, bloke, old man
gan go
geet  intensifier: + adjective = "very"; + noun = "complete", "real", "utter"
girths chirldren's game with hoop
goniel fool
gully kitchen knife, large knife
hacky dirty
hadaway go away, get away!, get lost, never!
happy baccy cannabis
hidie hide-and-seek
hinny term of address for a girl or woman
hitchie dabbers some kind of children's game
hoppings name of an annual fair held on Newcastle Town Moor for over 100 years
howay discourse feature of encouragement or exhortation
howk dig; beat, thump
hoy throw
humpity back pie rabbit pie
ken know
kep to catch a ball
knocky nine door children's game involving knocking on doors
knooled kept down, hen-pecked, e.g. a woman or children can be knooled by a man
liggies marbles
lowe flame, light 
loup jump
mackem person from Sunderland
mam mother
masting an infusion or brewing of tea 
mell hammer, large hammer
mense honour, decency
moggies, moggers marbles
mounty kitty multi-kitty
muggies, muggers marbles
multikitty street leap frog-game (all players pile on top of two players backs who are leaning against a wall); also "mounty-kitty"
nay "no" modifying an adjective or noun 
neb to be nosey
nowt  nothing
ower over; too (+ adjective)
owt anything
palatic (very) drunk
parky fussy, esp. about food; cold
pease pudding local pea based dish
pinny apron
pitmatic dialect of pit villages
pit yacker person from pit village, with distinctive dialect
plodge to walk through water or mud
porkies lies
relievo street chasing game with two teams and bases
scally mischievous person, inclined to antisocial or illegal behaviour
scoff to make fun of
scran food
scudding beating, thrashing
shotty in goals street football game
skeets boots, shoes
skinchers, skinchies truce word called in children's games, usually accompanied by crossing the fingers
skit to mock, taunt
skitty cheeky, taunting
slavver good natured coversation, flattery, patter
sneck door latch
spannies game where coins are tossed against a wall
spuggies marbles
stot bounce (e.g. of a ball or of heavy rain)
stotty round flat bread roll
tack cannabis
take a lend to take advantage of someone, to overstep the mark
tally ho children's game
targer someone with a lot of cheek and nerve, who always gets away with things
taws leather straps with thongs, used for punishment
taties potatoes
tiggy tig, a street chasing game
tiv to
toodle walk casually, wander
tootle wander casually
tredgy children's game
tuggy tig, a street chasing game
tuggy on high variant of tuggy (q.v.)
tuggy on low variant of tuggy (q.v.)
varnigh very near 
wey emphatic word calling attention to the following statement
wey aye yes, of course
wacky baccy cannabis
whae who
workie ticket cheeky person