
Olivia Turner

Olivia Turner is postdoctoral practice-led researcher in medical humanities, focusing on the critical visual medical humanities. She recently completed her creative practice-led PhD, titled Between Doctor, Patient and Cadaver: The Slippages of the Visceral Body in Medicine at Newcastle University, recipient of the Research Excellence Academy Studentship. In 2019-21, Olivia was recipient of 2 Wellcome Trust awards: Co-Investigator for a Wellcome Trust Discretionary Grant, Thinking Through Things: Object Encounters in the Medical Humanities; and Principal Investigator for a Wellcome Trust ISSF Small Grant, The Visceral Body in Medicine. Since 2017, she has been working with the Wellcome Centre for Mitochondrial Research.

She is currently working with The Shefton Collection on Corporeal Pedagogies and Shining a Light on Women and Children in Antiquity with her collaborator, Classical archaeologist, Dr Sally Waite, funded by the Catherine Cookson Foundation, Institutes for Creative Arts Practice and Humanities Research. 

Her website is:


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