Workshop: Form and the Medical Humanities, 2020
A Medical Humanities Workshop: Form and the Medical Humanities, February 2020.
This workshop invited contributions that reflect on the relation between form and the medical humanities. Narrative has come to dominate the medical humanities at the expense of other forms. This workshop asked what a greater diversity of aesthetic forms and genres might contribute to the future development of the medical humanities. How, in the context of interdisciplinarity, might we work with more hybrid, experimental, and collaborative forms and practices? How, too, does working in the medical humanities impact on the conventional academic forms in and through which we present our research? How do different aesthetic forms interact with, and circulate within, medical institutions, patient activist groups, and diverse communities of care? Might particular forms and practices be particularly responsive in relation to certain medical diagnoses or illnesses? How do distinct aesthetic forms and modes interact with the different senses? What might a future medical humanities not only look like, but also sound, feel, taste and smell like?
- Marianne Wilde, PEALS
- Olivia Turner, Fine Art
- Susan Spencer, Combined Honours
- Christy Ducker, Creative Writing
- Mia Campbell, Psychology, Teesside University
- Lydia Wysocki (ECLS) and Janice McLaughlin (GPS), Applied Comics Network
- Simon Hackett, Institute of Health and Society
Organised and led by Anne Whitehead.
Last modified: Fri, 01 Jul 2022 11:49:12 BST