
Infancy, Childhood, Personhood and Health, 12 September 2022

10am - 4pm

Armstrong Building, Room 2.49, Newcastle University

If you would like to attend, please contact: 

A workshop co-organised by the Medical Humanities Network, and the Life Cycles, Bodies, Health and Disease research strand from History, Classics and Archaeology, in partnership with the Childhood and Youth NUCoRE.


10-10.20: Coffee

10.20-10.30: Welcome

10.30-12: Personhood and the Value of Infant and Child Lives:
‘Finding the (Young) Person in Ancient Greek Personhood: Archaeology and Children’s Ascribed Identities in Athens, 900-323 BCE’ - Emma Gooch (School of History, Classics and Archaeology).
‘“A Vanishing Nightmare”: Spina Bifida, Selective Non-Treatment, and the Value of Disabled Infant Lives’ – Vicky Long (School of History, Classics and Archaeology).
‘Compassion or Contempt? Rethinking the Value of the Pauper Child in the British Empire, 1820-1930’ - Claudia Soares (School of History, Classics and Archaeology).

12-12.45: Lunch

12.45-1.45: Psychology, Psychoanalysis, and Childhood
‘Jonathan Hanaghan (1886-1967) and the Development of Psychoanalytic Ideas about Childhood and Adolescence in Mid-Twentieth Century Ireland’ - Fergus Campbell (School of History, Classics and Archaeology).
‘Psychological Ideas about Terminally and Chronically Ill Children in Cold War America’ - Laura Tisdall (School of History, Classics and Archaeology).

1.45-2: Coffee

2.00-3.30: Death, Loss, and Commemoration
‘Diagnostic Disclosure in Paediatric Cancer since 1960’ - Lucy Walsh (School of History, Classics and Archaeology).
‘Memorialls and Remaines’: Love, Loss and Childhood in a Seventeenth-Century Family Manuscript’ - Kate Chedgzoy (School of English Literature, Language and Linguistics).
‘Fragments, Never Sent’: Describing the Bond with a Sibling who Died at Birth’ - Anne Whitehead (School of English Literature, Language and Linguistics).

3.30-4: Reflections

Last modified: Thu, 13 Jul 2023 12:01:02 BST