Traditional Music and the Rural Creative Economy i

Welcome, this website hosts information and the final report of the Traditional Music and the Rural Creative Economy in Argyll & Bute, Traditional Music Mapping Report, 2018.




Academic Lead Dr Simon McKerrell                  (School of Arts and Cultures, Newcastle University)

Post-doctoral Fellow Dr Jasmine Hornabrook   (School of Arts and Cultures, Newcastle University)




Partner Organisation                                          The Traditional Music Forum

Partner Lead Mr David Francis                          (Traditional Music Forum--TMF)



Published by, Newcastle University, September 2018



This report presents the research findings of an AHRC supported Northern Bridge Research Fellowship project mapping the relationships, policy and practice surrounding traditional music and the rural creative economy in Argyll, Scotland. The research uses fieldwork interviews and quantitative data to examine the traditional musical heritage of Argyll, Scotland, and how it is currently being mobilized as an economic and cultural asset in the region. It goes on to suggest possible recommendations to leverage the region’s rich intangible cultural heritage for sustainable economic growth. The evidence reports from musicians, festival organisers, tour operators, business owners and other public sector stakeholders to better understand the role of traditional music in the economy of the region.

Final Report Launch 2nd October, Ardfern

Final report launch event, Ardfern, Argyll and Bute