
Dr Arnold Emerson

Computational Fluid Dynamics simulation of vortex after a hydro foil

Tidal turbine blade cavitation

Propeller wake survey

Propeller stress analysis

Propeller cavitation research

Pod Propeller Testing

Propeller Testing

Ice milling propeller testing

PIV on foil testing

Light on propellers

Historical images on propeller cavitation testing

Propeller design diagrams

Hand sketch of propeller cavitation

Tidal turbine testing

Propeller cavitation

Propeller cavitation through rudder

Propeller cavitation

KCA propeller series

Gate Rudder testing

Ducted propeller testing

Particle Image Velocimetry testing for propellers

Propeller cavitation in behind-hull condition

PIV testing on MPF

Flow around tidal turbine blade

Vortex structure around ducted propeller