Dr Sean Wilkinson
- Reader Newcastle University
- Email:
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 8876
- Twitter: @nsmw41
- Principal Investigator
Dr Sean Wilkinson has personally led EEFIT missions to Indonesia (2009), Christchurch (2011) and Nepal (2015), was PI on EEFIT field missions to study the effects of the Indian Ocean Tsunami (2004) and Sumatra earthquake (2009). His expertise is in the performance evaluation of buildings and critical infrastructure subjected to extreme loads and how failures of these impact on communities. In addition, he has used his experiences gained observing the impacts of earthquakes to inform research on the analysis of UK infrastructure networks subjected to other hazards. He is a committee member of the Society for Earthquake and Civil Engineering Dynamics (SECED) and ex-chairman of EEFIT.