RINNO: Building a Low Carbon, Climate Resilient Future: Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy (co-funded by EC Horizon 2020)
- Project Dates: 1st June 2020 - 31st August 2025
RINNO is a Horizon 2020 project that aims to deliver a set of processes that when working together give a system, repository, marketplace, and enabling workflow process for managing deep renovation projects. The ultimate objective of RINNO is to dramatically accelerate the rate of deep renovation in the EU by reducing the time, effort and cost of deep renovation while improving energy performance and stakeholder satisfaction. This concept has at its foundation, a set of cost-attractive, environmentally friendly, multi-functional and easily applicable building-related innovations, grouped into: - plug-n-play, modular building envelope solutions; - RES, hybrid and storage solutions. RINNO couples the above with innovative retrofitting processes, methods and tools, characterised by low tenants’ disruption. These comprise: efficient (off/on-site) construction strategies, on-the-job AR facilitating environment and multi-stakeholder collaboration, which are expected to shrink the time and cost required for deep renovation, while improving buildings’ performance; all with a short payback period of <4 years on average. The above will be supported business-wise with novel business models aligned with the circular economy principles, enriched with investment de-risking tools and advanced crowd-equity/crowd-lending schemes. RINNO is expected to impact the EU inefficient building stock by: - Contributing to an ambitious annual renovation rate of 3.5% - Primary energy savings of 165 GWh/year - A reduction of electricity cost by at least 30% - A total cost/time reduction in comparison with typical renovation by more than 30% and 40% respectively - An estimated reduction of 40,400 tons CO2-eq/year. RINNO optimised renovation roadmap will be demonstrated at 4 large-scale (3,386 m²) pilot use cases in Poland, Greece, Denmark and France after being pre-piloted, covering different EU climatic zones and markets of diverse maturity in the renovation sector.
Project website: https://rinno-h2020.eu/