The UK Sensory Motor Conference will be held in Newcastle from 6th-8th June this year. For those who have not been before, the meeting is an informal chance for the UK community to come together, present work and discuss future collaborations, with a particular focus on allowing students and post-docs to present. We will aim to distribute speaking slots as broadly as possible across the groups that attend. This year we are expanding the scope of the meeting to include human motor control, animal physiology, neural prosthetics and movement rehabilitation.
We should have a great turn-out with over 100 people registering with lots of posters and talks. Talks will be 10min + 5min for questions which will be rigidly enforced by Phys Soc style traffic lights.
Registration will open at 12pm on Monday 6th June for a 1pm start. The meeting will end at 2pm on Wednesday 8th June. In general we plan to proceed in order from animal work, through translational research to human and computational groups. However will try to accommodate those who can only come for part of the meeting. In addition, we will have a guest plenary lecture on Monday from Jack Martin (CUNY). The programme will also include lab tours, an informal meal on Monday and a conference dinner on Tuesday. We will keep registration to £15 or less, although we may ask for an additional contribution for dinner. A subsequent e-mail about this will follow once we have set up an online payment system.
Last modified: Tue, 10 May 2016 12:10:02 BST
Institute of Neuroscience
Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne
NE1 7RU, United Kingdom.