Get involved

The iridium project is keen to consult and engage as widely as possible within the University. Below are some ways you may wish to get involved:

Comment on draft policy out for consultation

The new draft University policy on 'Research Data Management' is currently out for consultation. 

Help testing of pilot RDM tools

Administration and planning for research data management

An online tool for assisting with writing of a research data management plan. Templates are provided to support UK research funders and institutional requirements. Plans can be shared with co-workers and exported in various document formats for further editing.

Sharing, collaborating and processing active data
e-Science Central

e-Science Central is a tool that allows you to do your science within a web browser. Data analysis and workflow automation is facilitated, including through use of cloud computing storage and computational processing power. There are options to allow controlled data sharing – including social networking features. Familiar programming languages for customisation of services include Java, .Net , R and Octave.

Describing and cataloguing research data sets
Research Data Catalogue

Research Data Catalogue, a proof of concept that has been designed with the intention of being the University’s bespoke system that provides a link between the MyProjects and MyImpact systems and allows us to record research data location and important key information about it.

Publicising and exchanging research data sets

A data portal solution, where data can be archived, published and made discoverable through easily searchable and citeable metadata. Federation of portal instances allow research group networks to interoperate through APIs. See

For more information, please contact the Project Manager:

Lindsay Wood, MEDEV, School of Medical Sciences Education Development, Newcastle University @iridium_mrd