Project team:
Ben Allen, Research & Collaborative Services, ISS
Peter Dinsdale, Information Security, ISS
Clive Gerrard, Research & Collaborative Services, ISS
Sean Gray, Infrastructure Systems, ISS
David Hill, Head of University Research Office, Research & Enterprise Services
Paul Haldane, Infrastructure Systems, ISS
Suzanne Hardy, MEDEV Pete Harvey, Infrastructure Systems, ISS
Pete Harvey, Infrastructure Systems, ISS
Phil Heslop, Digital Institute
Simon Kometa, Research & Collaborative Services, ISS
Andrew Martin, Research & Collaborative Services, ISS
Stephen McGough, Research Manager, Digital Institute
Niall O'Loughlin, Research & Enterprise Services
Victor Ottaway, MEDEV
Megan Quentin-Baxter, Director, MEDEV
Paul Thompson, Research & Collaborative Services, ISS
John Williams, University Library
Dave Wolfendale, Assistant Director (Learning Teaching & Research), ISS
Simon Woodman, Computing Science
Postgraduate support team:
Natalie Cresswell
Blanca Garcia
Jack Jago
Amy-Jane Lively
Kelechi Njoku
James Turland
Sathish Sankar Pandi
All the project team are at Newcastle University and can be contacted collectively via