Full iridium dissemination to Academic Units document is available to download.
The iridium project is funded by the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) and represents a collaboration between the University Research Office, the Digital Institute, the University Library, Information Systems & Services and MEDEV, School of Medical Sciences Education Development. It reports to URC on a regular basis and is monitored by a Steering Group consisting of the Directors of the project partners and chaired by Professor Tony Roskilly.
The project will make links with existing University services, initiatives and research such as the Research Data Warehouse Service, research outputs management, cloud data and shared services, digitisation projects and the Digital Campus.
The aim of iridium is to make recommendations for a complete holistic plan and infrastructure for research data management in the University, making data generated by research at the University both available and discoverable with effective curation throughout the full data lifecycle in consultation with the researchers who produce it. It should be noted that:
The principal project outputs are:
How to get involved in the iridium project.
Funded by:
The iridium project is funded from the 01 October 2011 to 30 June 2013 under the JISC Managing Research Data programme.