Information Sheets
Information sheets are provided to interested participants. Firstly, there is an abridged information sheet accesible via the QR code on the advert. This gives very basic information about the study. The full information sheet is then provided to anyone who declares an interest in participating, and this contains more comprehensive information about the trial and the interventions. It also contains contact information for members of the study team. These information sheets are provided below. Different versions are available depending on which element of the study is relevant to you.
Abridged participant information sheets
Abridged PIS for crossover element PDF 107Kb
For healthy volunteers (aged 18-30 or 60+) interested in the full trial
Abridged PIS for BAL only element PDF 105Kb
For healthy volunteers (aged 18+) interested in the BAL only element
Full participant information sheets
Participant Information Sheet for healthy volunteers aged 18-30 PDF 187Kb
Participant Information Sheet for healthy volunteers aged 18-30
Participant Information Sheet for healthy volunteers aged 60+ PDF 186Kb
Participant Information Sheet for healthy volunteers aged 60 and over
Participant Information Sheet for BAL only study PDF 147Kb
Participant Information Sheet for BAL only study, ages 18 and over