Supplementary Volumes



Histos Supplement 8


Alexander Meeus, ed., Narrative in Hellenistic Historiography (2018)



Full text



Individual papers:


Ch. 1. Alexander Meeus, Introduction: Narrative and Interpretation in the Hellenistic Historians, 1–22

Ch. 2. Tim Rood, Geographical and Historical Patterning in Diodorus Siculus, 23–68

Ch. 3. Shane Wallace, Implied Motivation in Diodorus’ Narrative of the Successors, 69–114

Ch. 4. Peter Morton, Filling in the Gaps: Studying Anachronism in Diodorus’ Narrative of the First Sicilian ‘Slave War’, 115–43

Ch. 5. Dan Hogg, Emotion and Greekness in Dionysius of Halicarnassus’ Account of the Exile of Coriolanus, 145–69

Ch. 6. Eran Almagor, A Literary Passage: Polybius and Plutarch’s Narrator, 171–209




Last updated: 30.12.18


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