- Garthwaite, K. (2017) “I feel I’m giving something back to society”: constructing the ‘active citizen’ and responsibilising food bank use. Social Policy & Society, 12, 4, 611–24.Bambra, C. Health Divides: where you live can kill you, Policy Press, 2016
Garthwaite, K. and Bambra, C. (2017) “How the other half live”: lay perspectives on health inequalities in an age of austerity. Social Science & Medicine
- Bambra C. (2016) Health Divides: where you live can kill you. Bristol: Policy press.
- Bambra, C., Garthwaite, K., Copeland, A., and Barr, B. (2015) Chapter 12: All in it together? Health Inequalities, Welfare Austerity and the ‘Great Recession’ in Smith, KE., Hill, S., and Bambra, C. (eds) (2016) Health Inequalities: Critical Perspectives, Oxford: Oxford University Press. This book was the BMA public health prize winner 2016.
- Garthwaite, K. (2016) Hunger Pains: life inside foodbank Britain. Bristol:PolicyPress.
- Greer Murphy, A. (2016) Austerity in the United Kingdom: the intersections of spatial and gendered inequalities. Area, 49, 122-124.
- Mattheys, K., Bambra, C., Warren, J., Kasim, A. and Akhter, N. (2016) Inequalities in mental health and well-being in a time of austerity: Baseline findings from the Stockton-On-Tees cohort study. SSM-Population Health, 2, 350-359.
- Garthwaite K. (2016) Stigma, shame and 'people like us': an ethnographic study of foodbank use in the UK. Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, 24 (3), 277-289.
- Garthwaite K. (2016) The perfect fit? Being both volunteer and ethnographer in a UK foodbank. Journal of Organizational Ethnography, 5 (1), 60-71.
- Bambra, C. and Garthwaite, K. (2015) Austerity and the English Health Divide. Area, 47, 3, 341-343.
- Baumberg, B., Warren, J., Garthwaite, K. and Bambra, C. (2015) A real world rethink of the WCA, London: Demos
- Garthwaite, K.A., Collins, P.J. and Bambra, C. (2015) Food for thought: exploring health in austerity through an ethnographic study of an English foodbank, Social Science and Medicine, 132, 38-44.
- Garthwaite, K. and Bambra, C. (2015) 'Food poverty, welfare reform and health inequalities'. In: Foster, L., Brunton, A., Deeming, C. and Haux, T. (eds) In Defence of Welfare II. Bristol: Policy Press.
- Mattheys, K., 2015. The coalition, austerity and mental health. Disability & Society, 30, 3, 475-478.
- Schrecker, T. and Bambra, C. (2015) How politics makes us sick: neoliberal epidemics. London: Palgrave.