Past Events

Campus Feminism

  • Venue: Newcastle University
  • Start: Mon, 21 Mar 2016 12:00:00 GMT
  • End: Mon, 21 Mar 2016 17:30:00 GMT

This free afternoon event brings together academics, activists and students, to reflect on the diverse issues of concern confronting feminists within universities and colleges.

This is an important moment for conversations on gender and social justice in higher education to be taking place. The recent Hunting Ground film has documented the prevalence of sexual violence on North American university campuses; there has been a government-ordered enquiry into sexual violence in UK universities; debates around freedom of speech have been sparked by the student campaign to ‘no-platform’ Germaine Greer; there are controversies around so-called ‘trigger warnings’ for sensitive topics; and evidence of gender segregation at some university talks.

The workshop will use some of these recent issues as a springboard to discuss pedagogy and feminism, feminist activism on campus, lad cultures and sexual violence. There is a fantastic line of up speakers, including Louise Whitfield, Partner at Deighton Pierce Glynn; Vanita Sundaram, Department of Education, University of York; and Lucy Morgan, Gender Equality Officer, Newcastle University Student’s Union. For further details, see the flyer here.

The workshop has been generously funded by the Newcastle University Gender Research Group. It is being co-convened by Nikki Godden-Rasul (Newcastle University) and Neil Cobb (Manchester University).


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