Current collaborators

Professor Ashley Adamson - Professor of Public Health Nutrition
I am the principal investigator of the Gateshead Millennium Study. I lead the Public Health Nutrition group of the Human Nutrition Research Centre at Newcastle University. My main research interests are in understanding the precedents of childhood obesity and prevention of childhood obesity by enabling better diet and lifestyle for children and their families. The Gateshead Millennium Study is an important part of this work.
Professor Ann Le Couteur - Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in the Mental Health Unit of Newcastle University
I was lead investigator for the Gateshead Millennium Study 5-6 year questionnaire data sweep. I have a role in the psychological and behavioural aspects of the study, as well as being a general research collaborator on the project. My primary research interests are in the field of autism spectrum disorder and the broader autism phenotype. Over the past 25 years I have been involved in and led numerous research projects on various aspects of autism spectrum disorder.
Dr Anne Dale - Consultant Paediatrician at Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Gateshead
I have been a Consultant Paediatrician at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital since 2001. I have been involved in the Gateshead Millennium Study since then and have continued to be involved as each phase has been put into place. I previously trained in Newcastle, Sunderland, The Gambia and Mauritius. My main interests are children's gastroenterology and nutrition. My previous research has been helicobacter pylori (bacterial infection) and growth of Gambian Children.
Professor Mark Pearce - Professor of Applied Epidemiology and Director of the Newcastle 1000 Families Study
I am a Professor of Applied Epidemiology with a particular interest in the impacts of factors in early life on later health. I am the Director of the Newcastle 1000 Families Study, which began in 1947, and am the epidemiologist and statistical advisor on the Gateshead Millennium Study.
Professor John Reilly - Professor of Physical Activity and Public Health Science, Physical Activity for Health Research Group, University of Strathclyde
I am a physiologist with expertise in energy balance in children. I have responsibility for the physical activity measurement in the Gateshead Millennium Study. My recent work has focused on childhood obesity: development; consequences; diagnosis; prevention; treatment. I am also on the editorial board of British Journal of Nutrition, Paediatric Rehabilitation, and International Journal of Paediatric Obesity.
Professor Charlotte Wright - Professor of Community Child Health at Glasgow University
I am a paediatrician and epidemiologist with an active programme of work in growth, nutrition and screening in early childhood. I am the founder of the Gateshead Millennium Study and led the study in Newcastle for the first 2 years. After moving to a permanent post in Glasgow in 2001, I continued to work on the data from the study and maintained contact with the collaborators.
Past collaborators

Dr Kathryn Parkinson - Senior Research Associate
I was involved with GMS since it began in June 1999 and was the initial recruiter of the families. I continued to project manage the study until my retirement in 2017. My research interests were in child growth including obesity, infant and child eating behaviour, maternal feeding practices and children's mental health and quality of life.
Dr. Robert Drewett - Reader in Psychology at Durham University
I am interested in health psychology, especially in children, and in related aspects of developmental psychopathology. I was involved in the Gateshead Millennium Study since its inception, and worked with Kathryn Parkinson as I was principally responsible for planning the psychological measures for each phase of the study up to 7 years. I also worked extensively on health psychology in tropical countries and researched the development and welfare of children orphaned through HIV in Ghana.
Dr. Paul McArdle - Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist attached to the Regional Child Mental Health in-patient Unit in Newcastle
I am interested in the unique potential of the Gateshead Millennium Study in offering an important new understanding of the longitudinal associations between nutrition and behaviour. Over the years I have had many publications in areas of Child and Adolescent mental Health, including prevention and epidemiology of disorders, especially substance misuse.