‌‌‌‌‌Background to GLOWING

GLOWING has been developed to support midwives' continued professional development in relation to maternal weight. The content of GLOWING has been informed by midwives' perspectives of their own training needs and aims to support midwives by addressing some of the challenges to routine practice reported. Based on midwives' recommendations, the training has been developed to incorporate the most up to date evidence-base, to be interactive, and to provide midwives with the opportunity for reflection on their practice and peer-support.

The GLOWING training is being delivered as a full day intensive training programme for community midwives (and hospital midwives who have a specific obesity or weight management role), plus the provision of information resources to share with women in routine practice

GLOWING is a pilot cluster randomised controlled trial to test the feasibility of delivery a large scale midwifery training trial to support the implementation of evidence into practice. For more information about the GLOWING pilot trial design and data collection, please see the ISRCTN trial registration.


GLOWING Research Funding and Collaborators 

The GLOWING research project has been funded by the National Institute for Health Research. The research is a pilot study to see if it is feasible to deliver the training to midwives and to collect the data we would need for a full trial.

The GLOWING research has an advisory group, including representatives from national organisations. The GLOWING project team would like to acknowledge the contribution from the following people and organisations:

  • Professor Luke Vale, Professor of Health Economics, Newcastle University
  • Professor Marian Knight, National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit, University of Oxford
  • Professor Janet Shucksmith, Professor of Public Health, Teesside University
  • Professor Carolyn Summerbell, Professor of Human Nutrition, Durham University
  • Professor Lucilla Poston, Professor of Maternal & Fetal Health, Kings College London
  • Dr Diane Farrer, Research Midwife and NIHR Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Bradford Royal Infirmary
  • The Royal College of Midwives
  • Tommy’s the Baby Charity
  • The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)[1]


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[1] Note: participation in this advisory group does not imply formal NICE endorsement of the initiative outputs