Global Health DePEC
The NIHR is "going global" by building on the UK's research strengths in applied health research to address issues affecting the poorest and most vulnerable people in lower and middle income countries (LMICs). Working together with the global health research community, the programme supports equitable partnerships and capacity-building in under-funded and under-researched areas. The NIHR is working closely with other global health research funders to ensure complementarity of research programmes and value for money in ODA spend. The NIHR is adding substantive value to the field of global health and helping to keep the UK at the forefront of health knowledge for global benefit.
In 2016 the NIHR invited universities and research institutes to submit application to either expand or develop their ambitions to deliver world-class applied global health research. Applications were invited for two schemes:
NIHR Global Health Research Units: Universities and research institutes with an existing track-record of delivering internationally recognised research who wish to consolidate and expand this work
NIHR Global Health Research Groups: Existing specialist academic groups who wish to expand into the field of global health, especially in shortage areas of research.
For both schemes, research in any field of applied global health for the primary benefit of LMICs was considered, which could deliver measurable benefits to patients and the public in ODA-eligible low and middle income countries on the DAC list.
The call received a very high level of interest with funding awarded to 13 Units and 20 Groups.
Newcastle University was successful and achieved group funding.
See below links to relevant websites
This study is funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) DePEC 16/137/62 NIHR Global Health Research Group. The views expressed are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the NIHR or the Department of Health and Social Care.
