#include using namespace std; int main () { int a = 100; cout << "Value in memory location a is " << a << "\n"; cout << "Address of (the reference to) memory location a is "<< &a << "\n"; int *b = &a; cout << "Value in memory location pointed to by b is " << *b << "\n"; cout << "Value in memory location b is " << b << "\n"; cout << b << " should be the same as the memory location for a: " << &a << "\n"; cout << "b is actually at memory location " << &b << endl; int** c; c = &b; cout << "c is now pointing to what b points to: " << **c << endl; cout << "c points to: " << *c << endl; cout << "c actually holds the value: " << c << endl; cout << c << " is the same value as b's memory location: " << &b << endl; cout << "c is actually at memory location " << &c << endl; cout << "c is eventually retrieving what is in memory location " << **&c << endl; cout << "the value of a is in memory location " << &a << endl; int x; cout << "Type in a numebr to finish" << "\n"; cin >> x; return 0; }