
Professor Luke Vale

Health economist.

Luke is a researcher with an international reputation in economic evaluation and health technology assessment and has contributed significantly to the growth in the use of systematic reviews and economic modelling in this field.  His expertise is built on 20 years of health economics experience.  He currently holds the Health Foundation Chair in Health Economics at Newcastle University where he lead the Health Economics Group.  He also chairs the joint economic methods group of the international Cochrane and Campbell Collaborations. He has established extensive links with policy makers and researchers throughout the UK and internationally.  Since 2000, he has secured approximately £55 million in research funds, including thirteen successful applications as Principal Investigator.  In addition, he has a strong publication record with over 160 papers in peer-reviewed journals, 4 books, 15 book chapters and almost 100 other significant reports. 

Luke will be involved in assessing the cost effectiveness of delivering the speech and language intervention over the internet


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