More information and taking part

FIDELITY worked with 22 young people aged 5 - 17 years old who have cerebral palsy and dysarthria who live in Newcastle, Northumberland, North Tyneside, South Tyneside (including Gateshead), County Durham, Sunderland, North Teesside, South Teesside or Cumbria.

The study is looking at whether we can provide our new speech therapy via the internet, three times a week for six weeks.  Some young people received the internet therapy straight away, with our research speech and language therapists (SLTs).  Some young people were asked to continue with their current NHS therapy, with their usual therapist, and were offered the internet therapy at the end of the study.

We have now finished collecting data for the study and are analysing the results. 

Click on the sections below to find out more information:

If I joined the study what would happen? PDF 321Kb

A flowchart to show the different stages of the project: 

flowchart silhouette

Information for young people PDF 292Kb

Young people


An information sheet for young people, describing the study in

more detail and answering some FAQs.


Information for parents PDF 159Kb



An information sheet for parents, describing the study in more detail and

answering some FAQs.

Would you be interested in taking part?

Contact Naomi or Helen, the FIDELITY research speech and language therapists, to find out more information and how to take part 

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