
Kezia Welsh

  • Exploring a link between language and sleep in children with cleft lip and/or palate: A PPI study
  • Master of Speech and Language Sciences

Children with cleft lip and/or palate (CL/P) can have speech and language difficulties and may also experience difficulties with sleep. Previous studies have shown poor sleep could impact language development; to further explore this, a patient and public involvement project (PPI) was carried out. A PPI investigates whether the proposed research is refl ective of issues that affect a specifi c population. For
this study, that is children with CL/P and their parents. This PPI collected qualitative data from five 1-1 semi-structured interviews with parents of children with CL/P, regarding their opinion and experience of their child’s sleep. Four out of fi ve parents reported that their child had diffi culties sleeping, experiencing challenges such as falling asleep, napping and nighttime activity. Parents also discussed the impact sleep diffi culties can have on their child such as changes in behaviour and tiredness. All parents thought this research was worthwhile and further research is imperative.

Funded by: Newcastle University Research Scholarship

Project Supervisors: Dr Stephanie van Eeden and Dr Vic Knowland