
Niamh Hope

  • Bhutan Expedition: Reconstructing past glacier extent throughout Lunana
  • MRes Environmental Geoscience

Himalayan glaciers are rapidly retreating in response to climate warming, with major implications on downstream communities. In Bhutan there is a national priority to understand how glaciers respond to climate change with the increased risk of Glacial Lake Outburst Floods (GLOFs). Data collected during my expedition to Lunana helps address a major gap in understanding of the glacial history. Many of the glacial lakes throughout Lunana have moraine dams, therefore researching moraine ages and composition is important for understanding GLOF risk and exploring contemporary ice loss. The expedition was predominantly successful; however, data collection was hindered by the inaccessibility of some moraines close to the lakes. Despite some challenges, an extensive relative age dataset was gathered through conducting Schmidt hammering on approximately 250 boulders on moraines across the forefields surrounding the glacial lakes of Bechung, Raphstreng, and Thorthormi glaciers. Alongside, conducting ground penetrating radar to determine moraine composition.

Funded by: Newcastle University Expeditions Committee, Harry Collinson Travel Scholarship

Project Supervisor: Professor Rachel Carr