
Alicia Mobbs

  • Enhancing The Performance Of Quantum Thermal Devices At Small Scales
  • BSc Hons Theoretical Physics

Thermodynamics has sparked fundamental questions and driven technological advancements, including the development of heat engines. Heat engines, like steam engines or heat pumps, convert heat into mechanical work, powering various technologies. As science progresses towards quantum computing, there’s a growing need for heat engines to operate at smaller scales. However, at these scales, complications arise when incorporating quantum effects and fluctuations on the characterisation of the engine efficiency.

This project was aimed at the intersection between thermodynamics and quantum physics, leveraging quantum effects like symmetry to enhance engine performance. Using single and two particle harmonic oscillators as the working mediums for the heat engine, analysis was done to show the performance of these at both high and low temperatures. The two particle case focused on the use of either fermions or
bosons to enhance the engine performance, especially when considering the sudden switch of frequencies in the engine.

Funded by: Newcastle University Research Scholarship

Project Supervisor: Dr Obinna Abah