2019 participants

Xinye Yek

  • MBBS (NUMed Malaysia)
  • Normative scores for new digital visual acuity test

How good is your eyesight now? When is your last eyesight (visual acuity) test? Do you feel troublesome for making a trip to any healthcare setting just for testing your eyesight? An electronic app, ASTEROID is innovated for testing your eyesight on a tablet device comfortably at your home. However, you may have doubts about its accuracy and reliability, and is the Grating acuity (an eye test by identifying stripes orientation and direction) introduced in this app better than the Letter acuity we use frequently? Therefore, an experiment is conducted to test the validity and reliability of Grating acuity compared to other visual tests. In conclusion, the Grating acuity test (ASTEROID) has low validity and reliability, because it's measured visual acuity is significantly different from the eye chart used clinically, and it fails to obtain consistent results in the repeated test. More improvement needed before introducing it to the population.

Funding source: Newcastle University

Project supervisor: Professor Jenny Read