2019 participants

George Blackwell

  • BA (Hons) Ancient History and Archaeology
  • She’s Got It: A Comparison of Personal Ornamentation between Gravettian ‘Venus’ Figurines and Burials

She’s Got It: A Comparison of Personal Ornamentation between Gravettian ‘Venus’ Figurines and Burials

My research will focus on key examples of ‘Venus’ figurines from the Gravettian period of European Prehistory (33,000-21,000 years ago). The project will examine the types of bodily ornamentation depicted, such as clothing and jewellery, and where possible compare it to archaeological evidence from burials and surrounding sites. Over 200 of these figurines have been discovered across Europe, therefore I focused on key case studies including the figurines from Willendorf, Brassempouy, Dolní Věstonice and Kostenki. The study will consider the types of ornamentation portrayed, its location, and how archaeologists have interpreted these markings. Replicas of a few of the most famous figurines will also be on display to highlight the ornamentation and demonstrate how the various ‘Venus’ sculptures are vastly different in design. A special thank you should be given to my supervisor Stephanie Piper, Jill Cook and Claire Lucas from the British Museum and the British Library for their invaluable help with my research.

Funding source: Newcastle University

Project supervisor: Dr Stephanie Piper