2019 participants

Clara Harrison-Place

  • Bsc (Hons) Biomedical Sciences
  • Effects of vitamin D status on methylation of WNT pathway-related genes in the context of colorectal cancer

Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the second largest cancer killer in the UK. CRC development has been linked to abnormal signalling of the WNT pathway, a cellular reaction which facilitates cell proliferation. WNT inhibitor genes act to reduce WNT signalling and cancer progression. CRC has been strongly linked to dietary factors, for example vitamin D deficiency. The potential mechanisms behind vitamin D’s protective role is not fully understood, but it is possible that vitamin D may enhance WNT inhibitor genes through a process called demethylation. Demethylation removes barriers from the DNA, effectively activating genes.

This study investigated the effect of vitamin D on the methylation of three WNT inhibitor genes, WIF-1, SFRP4 and DKK1, in rectal biopsies. Data and samples from the Biomarkers Of RIsk of Colorectal Cancer (BORICC) Follow-Up (BFU) Study (2017-2018) were used. No significant relationship between vitamin D and methylation of the three WNT inhibitors could be established.

Funding source: Newcastle University

Project Supervisor: Professor John Mathers