2018 participants

Liang-How Sie

  • Batchelor of Laws
  • Examining epigenetics research findings presented in the public sphere through the media

Examining epigenetics research findings presented in the public sphere through the media
Epigenetics is a newly emerging field, which explains the ways in which medical, nutritional and behavioural experiences influence the expression of our genes, and how these changes are transmitted to subsequent generations. Although these molecular mechanisms are poorly understood, epigenetics knowledge is already influencing the public understanding of maternal responsibility and risk, the advice given to pregnant women and new preventative health initiatives. Research findings are often reinterpreted within the public sphere in an exaggerated and oversimplified form that focuses on the role of the mother, while family life and social environment are not given as much attention. This might create a culture that blames mothers for harming the health of this children through their life choices. This study will examine the presentation of epigenetics research findings in the public sphere by analysing press reports, news items, and scientific articles, and discuss the ethical and legal implications.

Funding source: Newcastle University

Project Supervisor: Dr Ilke Turkmendag
