2017 Participants

Joesph Scott

  • BEng (Hons) Electronics & Computer Engineering
  • Pangraph – a software library for manipulating graphs in standard file formats

The microSystems research group is closely working with e-Therapeutics, a British drug discovery company, on hardware accelerators for computationally hard problems in biological graphs (networks), with the recent prototype achieving a 1000x factor improvement in industrial benchmarks.

A key component of the prototype is the Pangraph library, which I developed on a placement with the group last summer. Pangraph provides a set of tools used for efficiently parsing the file formats of graphs into an abstract data type for further algorithmic processing. Although the Pangraph library has been instrumental for the above-mentioned project, it has a few limitations I will endeavour to work on in my summer research placement. In particular I will work on improving the scalability of the library for handling graphs comprising millions of nodes and providing a wider range of parsers and serializers for other graph formats, such as those produced by the Workcraft modelling framework.

Funding source: Newcastle University

Supervisor: Dr Andrey Mokhov