2017 Participants

Grace Heavey

  • BA (Hons) Geography
  • Inspirational Women in Geography’s past: the Hidden Half of the Tyneside Geographical Society

In 2018 Geography will celebrate 90 years at Newcastle University. The aim is to celebrate the enduring significance of this wide-ranging subject and to show from the history of geography a journey of radical transformation. This is apparent in the archives of the Tyneside Geographical Society, established in 1887 yet predictably shrouded in white, male, military, middle-class constructions of relevance and ‘authority’. The Geography archives include an Attendance Book signed by Winston Churchill and abstracts describing ‘distant colonies and foreign lands’. The proposed research will explore this unpublished material for the first time with the express purpose of uncovering hidden stories from the neglected contributions of women and minorities in Geography’s past. As a result, the 90th celebrations will benefit from a suite of new textual, audio and visual accounts based on these historic archives. In addition, the studentship will contribute to the School Equality and Diversity agenda.

Funding source: Newcastle University

Supervisor: Dr Helen Jarvis