2016 Participants

Raul Lali

  • MBBS
  • Mapping the prediagnostic journey for sarcoma patients

Sarcomas are rare tumours arising in bones and soft tissues. They can occur in a wide range of anatomical sites and can occur at any age, but show increased risk with ageing.

As sarcomas are rare, diagnosis is often delayed and often goes unsuspected which inevitably leads to poorer health outcomes. Delays can be patient related or occur through General Practice referrals or Hospital appointments, often leading to a poor patient experience and can affect the relationship between patients and their primary care team.

The primary aim of this study is to investigate the pre-diagnostic experience of patients with suspected or confirmed sarcoma who visit the North of England Bone and Soft Tissue Tumour Service. A secondary aim is to identify points in the pathway where an educational or other intervention could be developed to reduce the time to diagnosis.

Funding source: Newcastle University

Supervisor: Mr Craig Gerrand