2016 Participants

Natalie Perrett

  • BSc (Hons) Biochemistry
  • Chromosome choreography by SUN1-KASH5 in mammalian meiosis

The LINC complex consists of two proteins; SUN1 and KASH5. These proteins interact and span the double nuclear membrane during chromosome alignment of mammalian meiosis 1. This process is necessary for the faithful reduction in chromosome number in cells undergoing meiosis and thus the production of viable gametes. For this reason, any disruption to either of the proteins involved in the LINC complex can be a cause of infertility. The aim of my project was to purify SUN1 both with and without KASH5 allowing structural techniques, such as SEC MALS to be performed. The structure of the SUN1 protein, which is meiosis specific could then be compared with its mitotic homologue SUN2. In the future this information could give way to the possibility of microinjecting viable germline cells with the SUN1 protein in vivo to produce cells capable of meiosis and thus allowing fertilisation to occur. 

Funding source: Wellcome Trust

Supervisor: Dr Owen Davies