2016 Participants

Holly-Ann Carl

  • BA (Hons) Archaeology
  • Perceptions of a Castle: Hylton Castle Sunderland

Hylton Castle is a fortified manor house in Sunderland now in an urban setting and surrounded by a 1940s housing estate. The Castle was built by Sir William Hylton as his principal residence in 1400. Like many medieval high status houses, Hylton Castle has undergone many changes which are visible in the building’s fabric, most noticeably in the construction and demolition of the north and west wings. More interestingly the landscape setting of the castle is poorly understood and has not been fully investigated. I have compared historic images as well as archaeological evidence in order to examine how perceptions of the castle have changed through time. I have also considered how factors such as ownership, wealth and taste are reflected in the surviving fabric. The castle, which currently lies in ruins, is about to undergo major restoration and renovation as it is transformed into an education centre.

Funding source: Newcastle University

Supervisor: Dr Caron Newman