2016 Participants

Aaron Jesuthasan

  • MBBS
  • Movement and Intelligence: establishing a continuum

Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is a debilitating condition affecting the brain.  The predominant features of PD are slowness of movement, rigidity and tremor.  However, novel studies reveal a reduction of intellectual function in some patients as well, although the mechanism for this remains unclear.  For my project, I aimed to investigate this further from a DNA perspective.

DNA is the framework from which the body produces proteins.  These proteins are essential for the body to function normally.  A fault in the DNA subsequently leads to abnormal protein production and a disruption in normal bodily function.  I hypothesised acquisition of faults in the DNA of PD patients leads to a gradual decline of intellectual function.  I proceeded to identify specific faults, which may be associated with the intellectual decline.

Funding source: Newcastle University

Supervisor: Prof David Burn