2015 Participants

Olivia Elaine Bucknall

  • BA (Hons) Classical Studies and English
  • Classical Legend and Myth: Investigating the potential of exploring western myth and literature within a limited resources teaching environment in a developing world classroom

My objective is to take my enthusiasm for classical studies and inject this into a developing classroom in the Bwindi region of Uganda, where only core subjects (Mathematics, English and Science) are taught. I want to research and prove that teaching Classics in this environment is achievable and impacting with limited resources teaching. For this purpose I have formulated six stimulating and creative classical-orientated lessons to teach independently. This research will also provide some insight into the way Classical studies may be received in a very different environment to the standard western education system.

Project Supervisor: Dr Susanna Phillippo, School of History, Classics & Archaelogy
Funding Source: Newcastle University