2015 Participants

Louise Downing

  • BSc (Hons) Psychology
  • A step towards predicting lithium response in patients with bipolar disorder

It is currently unknown how to predict whether a patient with bipolar disorder will respond to lithium. This research project investigated the appropriateness of using a retrospective approach in the assessment of lithium response. First, the Alda scale was critically deconstructed and then evaluated in the form of a coherent review. This revealed a lack of validity and inaccuracy of assessment as both the structure and content were flawed. Second, an alternate method was analysed by looking at the history of patients clinical records. A retrospective account of each illness pattern could then be charted, for both before and after the treatment of lithium, providing additional information about lithium response. Overall, it remains unclear whether an accurate assessment can be achieved from a retrospective approach. Thus, a prospective assessment is still currently the most appropriate method.

Project Supervisor: Dr David Cousins, Institute of Neuroscience

Funding source: Newcastle University