2015 Participants

Kamilah Lakhani

  • BSc Hons Biomedical Sciences
  • The Role of Oxidative Stress in Inhibitory Interneurons for Cortical Seizure Generation

Understanding how seizures arise in the brain has important implications for how new and better treatments can be developed to treat the brain condition known as epilepsy. Using an experimental model, this project will aim to examine the contribution of inhibitory mechanisms in rat brain slices for seizure generation. In particular this project will examine the contribution of oxidative stress to inhibition and how this predisposes the brain to seizure generation. The project will use a combination of techniques including immunohistochemistry from brain slices and will allow the student to visually identify a number of different cell types and markers.

Project Supervisor: Dr Mark Cunningham, Institute of Neuroscience

Funding Source: Newcastle University