2015 Participants

Jessica Barnes

  • MEng (Hons) Electrical & Electronic Engineering with Industrial Project
  • Day-long continuous measurement of forearm muscle activity and hand movement

The loss of the hand affects an individual's quality of life. Prosthetic hands can provide a route to functional rehabilitation and independence. However, 40% of the amputees abandon their prosthesis with a key reason being that it does not provide enough function.

The aim of this project is to measure forearm muscle activity and finger movements during natural behaviour concurrently. The data will then be analysed to evaluate prediction of finger movement with using muscle activity.

Results of this project lead to development of controllers that enable tasks that are unimaginable with current prostheses, e.g. playing piano.

Project Supervisor: Dr Kianoush Nazarpour, School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Funding Source: Newcastle University