2015 Participants

Gewei Zhu

  • BSc (Hons) Biomedical Sciences
  • Investigating the LPS binding sites on Colicin N

Colicin N is a pore-forming antibacterial toxin produced by E. Coli cells which can kill other E. Coli cells. Unlike other members of colicin family, colicin N binds to lipopolysaccharides (LPS) on the cell surface instead of binding to the outer membrane protein receptors. The aim of this research project was to determine the LPS binding site on colicin N by making mutations  to glutamine residues in the receptor domain because previous studies have shown that positively charged amino acids are often involved in binding to negatively charged LPS. This research is important because it could provide information for scientists to develop new antibiotics without facing the problems of antibiotic resistance.

Project Supervisor: Professor Jeremy Lakey, Institute for Cell & Molecular Biosciences

Funding source: Newcastle University