2015 Participants
Elliot Trofimowicz
- Bsc (Hons) Biomedical Sciences
- The role of age related methylation as an underlying cause of the development of cancer
The main aims of my project were: to determine whether the relationship between increased age-related methylation in peripheral blood and cancer is age dependent or seen across all ages of cancer patients and whether increased age-related methylation in peripheral blood is restricted to patients with leukaemia or also seen in other haematological or non-haematological malignancies. I used pyrosequencing to analyse average methylation values in the genes HOXA4 and Twist2 in samples of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia (ALL), Oesophageal and Liver cancer. I was able to show that average methylation increased in ALL and stayed fairly constant in Oesophageal and Liver cancers.
Project Supervisor: Dr Gordon Strathdee, Northern Institute for Cancer Research
Funding source: Newcastle University