2015 Participants

BingBing Ke

  • BEng Marine Technology (Hons) Naval Architecture
  • Measurement of hydrodynamic coefficients for an ROV during launch and recovery

ROV is a commonly used equipment in the marine field for underwater tasks. The launch and recovery handling system is the most critical component of operation because it could lead to a total loss of the ROV. Design of this handling system relies on the appropriate selection of hydrodynamic coefficients.

Current methods for hydrodynamic coefficients predictions are based on assumptions of ideal conditions. To obtain applicable coefficients, proper evaluation of hydrodynamic response of a ROV in practical conditions is needed.

This research aims to predict the hydrodynamic coefficients the ROV experiences during its launch and recovery process in realistic conditions.

Project Supervisor: Dr Simon Benson, School of Marine Science & Technology

Funding Source: Newcastle University