2011 Participants

Alexander Docherty

  • BA (Hons) Linguistics
  • Sharing Digital Dialect Data with ‘Silver Surfers’ and the ‘Google Generation’.

This proposal relates to the Diachronic Electronic Corpus of Tyneside English (DECTE) project which will provide an extensive collection of Tyneside speech/text/images for use by the public as well as by researchers and teachers/students. In order to meet academic/industry standards, DECTE is currently constructed according to the latest rules for encoding documents: Extensible Markup Language (XML). However, XML-encoded collections are difficult for lay people to use directly, having to be ‘translated’ into more user-accessible formats. Key to the research would, therefore, be the construction of different XSLT transformations promoting the awareness of this dataset amongst non-academic users.

Funding Source: Newcastle University