How To Apply


Research Scholarships can support students to carry out summer research in areas that address one of more of the University’s guiding principles or strategic pillars  

These scholarships will enable students who have research potential to work alongside researchers (academics and PhD students) on summer vacation projects. Alternatively the scholarship could also be deployed as part of our successful expeditions scheme, to undertake field research in other countries

Our 2024 Celebrating Research Scholarships and Expeditions Brochure (PDF ) summarises the research projects and expeditions undertaken by scholarship holders in summer 2024.

2024 Research Scholarships and Expeditions Brochure (3.45MB)


Research Scholarships are open to undergraduate students. 

As an undergraduate, you should also be one of the following:

  • in the middle year (preferably penultimate) year of your first degree
  • a medical or dental student between the end of your second year and the end of your penultimate year
  • studying for language or other four-year degrees, either at the end of your second year or third year (just before or after your overseas study year)

You won't be considered for a Research Scholarship if:

  • you are in Stage 1 of your undergraduate studies
  • you have been awarded funding by the University Expeditions Committee in the same year as your application for a Research Scholarship.

You can only submit one internal Research Scholarship application in any one academic year

2025 Applications

2025 Single Student application and Interdisciplinary is now closed. The deadline to apply to the 2025 scheme is 5:00pm Monday 3rd March 2025

Applicants will be notified of the outcome by the end of April 2025.

Method of Adjudication

The Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education) and Faculty Taught Programme Deans (or their nominees) will judge research scholarship applications primarily on academic merit and potential for providing research training.  Discretion may be used when selecting awardees.

Preference will be given to:

  • research projects that have a clearly defined objective relating to one or more of the University's strategic pillars or guiding principles that is achievable by the student(s) in the time available
  • Research Scholarships will not be awarded for work that will form a substantial part of your undergraduate degree work
  • projects that give scope for genuine leadership, thought and initiative on the part of the student(s) and do not use the student(s) as general assistant
  • it will be expected that the student will contribute to the design of their project and the framing of this application
  • students demonstrating academic achievement and potential and showing an interest in and motivation to undertake research

Research Scholarships are available:

  • for six to eight weeks for single student projects;
  • for two to four weeks for interdisciplinary projects.

Research Scholarships are available for six to eight weeks (two to four weeks for interdisciplinary projects). A non-repayable award will be available to help recipients meet their living costs during the project.  The value of the grant for 2025 summer research projects will be £441 per student per week.

The nature of the project will likely determine how many hours of study will be required to complete the project: the Research Scholarships Committee do not recommend that any student spends more than 35 hours per week on their project.

Any additional costs, such as consumables, travel or equipment incurred as a result of the project will not be covered by the scholarship and Schools and Institutes are asked to provide modest grants for materials in support of the award.

Poster Guidance

Opportunities for help and advice in preparing your project abstract, and poster preparation can be found HERE.

A1 Landscape or Portrait Poster

All Research Scholarship students are required to produce a poster which will be displayed at the poster competition. You should note that your poster should be accessible and easy to understand for the lay reader and should describe the outcomes and achievements of your research project.  

Similar Schemes

There are number of external organisations offering similar schemes and funding.

Where appropriate, students, or supervisors on their behalf, should apply to these schemes as well as this University scheme. If the student is awarded an external scholarship in addition to a University award, the University will increase the value of the outside award's student maintenance to the equivalent of the University's award so that the student is not disadvantaged by accepting the outside award that can enhance their CV.

Maximising the University’s success in external competitions not only raises the University’s external profile but also enables many more of our students to experience work in a research situation by enabling the University’s resources to go further.