Politecnico di Milano

Dr Francesca Lanz (PI and Co-I 2019-2020)

Francesca is currently working at the School of Arts and Cultures of Newcastle University (UK) as a Marie SkÅ‚odowska-Curie Fellow, researching on the adaptive reuse of former asylums into “mind museums” and their role in fostering critical reflection on the histories and contemporary problems of dealing with mental health in society (ReMIND research project).

Francesca holds a Ph.D. in Interior Architecture and Exhibition Design and an MS in Architecture and was a lecturer in Interior Architecture and Exhibition Design at the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies of Politecnico di Milano (IT) and in 2018  received the Italian National Scientific Habilitation (ASN) as Associate Professor.

From January - May 2018 Francesca was Visiting Fellow at the Amsterdam School for Heritage, Memory and Material Culture, Faculty of Humanities, University of Amsterdam (NL). She is currently a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow at the School of Arts and Cultures of Newcastle University (UK).
Francesca was trained as an architect at Politecnico di Milano where she continued her career firstly as an MA student, then as a PhD candidate and as a post-doctoral Research Associate, and finally as a lecturer, undertaking research in the field museum and heritage with a focus on museum and exhibition design and participating in several major national and international projects in these fields.

Since 2006 Francesca has been collaborating on various research projects and teaching activities, teaming up with different departments of Politecnico di Milano, undertaking research in the field of interior architecture, museum and heritage studies. Since 2009 Francesca had been carrying out teaching activities at POLIMI supervising BA, MA and PhD students and developing courses at BA and MA level on adaptive reuse and interior design for architectural preservation.