News & Events

Exhibition: The Design of Tactics

  • Venue: Virtual
  • Start: Thu, 28 Oct 2021 17:00:00 BST
  • End: Thu, 28 Oct 2021 20:00:00 BST

We are glad to announce the opening of the online exhibition ENCOUNTERPOINTS: The Design of Tactics, presenting the projects awarded after the ENCOUNTERPOINTS International Design Ideas Competition and the book “The Design of Tactics: Critical Practices for Public Space Re-Activation”.

The call for ideas invited architects and prospective architects, designers, planners, artists, and activists across the world to redesign and (re)activate neglected and marginal space to promote a more resilient, cohesive, and equal urban future.

An open debate on strategical and tactical interventions in architecture and participatory practices will follow. 

Webex link: 

The EN/COUNTER/POINTS The Design of Tactics ensues from the EU funded research project "HERA - en/counter/points: (Re)Negotiating Belonging through Culture and Contact in Public Space and Place" 

HERA - en/counter/points

The events are organised by the research team based at Politecnico di Milano, DAStU (Jacopo Leveratto, Francesca Gotti, Cristina F. Colombo and Francesca Lanz). Competition’s Jury: ATELIER MOB, BRUIT DU FRIGO, COLLECTIF ETC, WAREHOUSE, CONSTRUCTLAB, GRAVALOS DI MONTE, ORIZZONTALE, RAUMLABOR.


iCal Individual Event Link